MIT East Campus Arch Bridge 2018

MIT East Campus Arch Bridge 2018

A 60 feet long and 24 feet tall arch bridge

What and Why

At the beginning of every school year, MIT dorm East Campus builds crazy structures to attract residents to live at our dorm. We have previously built roller coaster, giant forts, carousel, and etc. You can see videos of our previous years by searching “East Campus i3 Videos” on YouTube. This year I led a team of four people to construct a 60 feet long and 24 feet tall arch bridge. The process took about 1.5 weeks to build. However, it took a total of 9 months to plan and acquire the proper paperwork.

Documentation in progress

This is by far my hardest and biggest project. Working on the documentation now. You can look at pretty pictures for now.


bridge_1 bridge_2
bridge_3 bridge_4
bridge_5 bridge_6
bridge_7 bridge_8


We had to take down the bridge after a week or so. Here’s a video of us pulling it over.

Thanh Nha Nguyen

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